Flooding in Thailand and Bad weather in the north of European Russia
Flooding in Thailand
Monsoon rains have caused floods in Thailand. This flood was one of the strongest in recent years. Torrential rain doesn’t stop in the region even now. Over the past day in certain areas of the kingdom has fallen from 55 to 79 mm of precipitation, in the small town Kamphengphet (Kam Paeng Phet), located in the west region, amount of precipitation reached 112 mm. For the moment completely under water are 179 counties in 25 provinces in the north, northeast and central parts of the kingdom. According to the calculations of the hydrodynamic models of the atmosphere over the next few days the situation in Thailand will not change significantly. In addition, the approaching typhoon "Nalgae" only exacerbate the difficult situation in the region.
Bad weather in the north of European Russia
In the northern and northwestern regions of European Russia remain inclement weather. To the region approaches another Atlantic cyclone. On Friday, 7 October, heavy rains will take place in Murmansk, Pskov, Novgorod regions and Karelia, October 8, atmospheric fronts of an active cyclone will move east and bring with them intense rain in the Arkhangelsk and Vologda regions, the Komi Republic and Nenets Autonomous District will not avoid the bad weather. In addition, the passage of atmospheric fronts will be accompanied by increased winds up to 15-20 m / sec.
Another typhoon along the coast of Vietnam
Typhoon Nalgae is approaching the coast of Vietnam. Currently, under its influence is the Chinese island of Hainan. Over the past day on the island fell from 55 to 100 mm of rain water. The most heavy rains occurred in the town of Xisha Dao, where amount of precipitation reached 142 mm, which is about 75% of the monthly norm. During these hours the pressure in the center of the cyclone is 994 mb, cyclone moves slowly in northwestern direction at a speed of 20 kilometers per hour.
The maximum wind speed near the typhoon center is 45 m / s (150 mph), gusts of amplifying up to 65 m / sec. Experts predict that the next day Nalgae will come to the coast of Vietnam, will be filled quickly and lose intensity. The strength of the wind in gusts will exceed 50 m / c