
Weather in Scandinavia

2011-08-09  Weather in Scandinavia

Scandinavia. Last weekend in Scandinavia has been marred by rainy Atlantic cyclone. Norway, suffered most of all, as cyclone came to the territory of Norway on Saturday. To date, the vortex is growing and becoming stronger, continuing to raise the rainy season and rains in Sweden and Norway. Although Finland has got it's good portion of rainfall, but this Scandinavian country appeared in the warmer part of the cyclone. That's why in Finland the temperature fully corresponds to August. In the south-west of Norway today strong winds are replaced by piercing north wind, sometimes it reaches a speed of 20 m / sec. That is why today in Norway the temperature dropped at once for five degrees. And during the day August 10 the prevailing air temperature in most parts of Norway has been only 14 degrees Celsius, that is 3 degrees lower than a normal temperature of the first half of August. Such a rainy windy weather, that is accompanied by the September temperature, will remain in Sweden for the next few days. Closer to the weekend the weather in Scandinavia should get better, but on Sunday the next atlantic cyclone will start with the rains.

Spain. On Sunday, in Spain during the daytime temperature reached the mark in 39.8 degrees. During the last days in the country during the daytime the air temperature constantly was about 38 degrees. And south-western streams, that blow from the north of Africa, have brought even more hot air, and it resulted in the rise of the country air temperature up to 40 degrees. And, taking into account the fact that in the Iberian Peninsula the anticyclone have a firm foothold, the air warms up even more, perhaps the mark of 40-degree will be broken.